Heritage resources Rule Number Standard Number(s) 2.24.1 to 2.24.3 All (inclusive) 2.26.1 1 n/a 2.26.2 n/a 2.27.1 2 n/a 1 The rule has immediate legal effect if the activity does not meet standards identified in this table that are applicable to the activity. 2 Although these prohibited activity rules have immediate legal effect, Section 87(b)(1) of the RMA requires that a prohibited activity rule must be treated as a discretionary activity until the rule is made operative. Notable trees Rule Number Standard Number(s) 2.28.1 to 2.28.4 All (inclusive) 2.30.1 1 n/a 2.30.2 n/a 1 The rule has immediate legal effect if the activity does not meet standards identified in this table that are applicable to the activity. Network utilities Rule Number Standard Number(s) 2.38.1 and and (b) 2.38.2 n/a 2.40.1 1 n/a 2.40.2 n/a 1 The rule has immediate legal effect if the activity does not meet standards identified in this table that are applicable to the activity.