Volume Two 3. Rural Environment Zone 3.3.40. Discharge of contaminants to air from the burning of solid fuel in an enclosed pellet burner. The burner must comply with the stack requirements of Appendix 8 – Schedule 2. The burner must only burn fuels approved for use in the burner. 3.3.41. Discharge of contaminants to air outside the Blenheim Airshed from the burning of solid fuel in any small scale solid fuel burning appliance. The appliance must comply with the emission, operational and other requirements of Appendix 8 – Schedule 1. The appliance must comply with the stack requirements of Appendix 8 – Schedule 2. The appliance must only burn fuels approved for use in the appliance. The appliance must be operated so that all reasonable steps are taken to minimise the amount of smoke discharged. 3.3.42. Discharge of heat and water vapour from cooling towers. No more than 5MW of heat per hour must be discharged. 3.3.43. Home occupation. The home occupation must be undertaken by a person(s) residing on the site and employ/contract no more than 1 additional person. For home occupation activities that generate traffic, hours of operation must only occur during the following hours: 8.00 am – 6.00 pm Monday to Friday 9.00 am – 12.00 pm Saturday The home occupation must be carried out wholly within the dwelling or within an accessory building. Only goods produced, repaired, renovated or restored on the site may be retailed from the site. 3.3.44. Homestay. The homestay operation must be fully contained within a dwelling that is a Permitted Activity in the Plan. The homestay must be operated by a person residing in the dwelling on the property. The homestay must be incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling for residential purposes. The homestay must not accommodate more than 5 guests at any time. 3.3.45. Worker accommodation. The worker accommodation must not be located within a Worker Accommodation Exclusion Area as identified in Appendix 24. 3.3.46. Marae activity on: (a) That part of Pt Te Hora Sec 32A4 located between State Highway 6 and Te Hore Pa Road; 3 – 28