Volume Two 3. Rural Environment Zone 3.6. Discretionary Activities Application must be made for a Discretionary Activity for the following: [R, D] 3.6.1. Any activity provided for as a Permitted Activity, Controlled Activity or Restricted Discretionary Activity that does not meet the applicable standards. [D] 3.6.2. Winery, distillery or brewery. [D] 3.6.3. Intensive farming. [D] 3.6.4. Visitor accommodation. [D] 3.6.5. Community facility. [R, D] 3.6.6. Quarrying and mineral extraction. [D] 3.6.7. Rural industry. [R] 3.6.8. Dairy farm established after 9 June 2016. [R, D] 3.6.9. Commercial clean fill operation. [D] 3.6.10. Commercial activity. [D] 3.6.11. Any use of land not provided for as a Permitted Activity, Controlled Activity or Restricted Discretionary Activity or limited as a Prohibited Activity. [R] 3.6.12. Any discharge of contaminants into or onto land, or to air, not provided for as a Permitted Activity or limited as a Prohibited Activity. 3 – 32