Volume Two 3. Rural Environment Zone 3.7. Prohibited Activities The following are Prohibited Activities for which no application can be made: [R, D] 3.7.1. Commercial forestry planting, carbon sequestration forestry planting (non- permanent) or woodlot forestry planting on land identified as Steep Erosion-Prone Land, that has not previously been planted in lawfully established commercial, carbon sequestration (non-permanent) or woodlot forestry. [D] 3.7.2. Planting Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta ). [R, D] 3.7.3. Carbon sequestration forestry (permanent) harvesting. [R] 3.7.4. From 9 June 2022, permitting intensively farmed livestock to enter onto the bed of a river when there is water flowing in the river. [R] 3.7.5. From 9 June 2022, permitting intensively farmed livestock to pass across the bed of a river when there is water flowing in the river. [R] 3.7.6. Disposal of hazardous waste into or onto land (other than into a lawfully established hazardous waste landfill). [R] 3.7.7. Discharge of human effluent through a soak pit established after 9 June 2016. [R] 3.7.8. Drainage of Goulter Significant Wetland – W35. [R] 3.7.9. Drainage of Possum Swamp Stream Significant Wetland – W116. [R] 3.7.10. Drainage of Upper Wairau Significant Wetland – W580. [R] 3.7.11. Drainage of Wairau Lagoons Significant Wetland – W1076. [D] 3.7.12. Noise sensitive activities, not existing at 9 June 2016, underneath the approach and take-off flight fans within the Runway Protection Area of Main Runway 07-25 inside the Outer Noise Control Boundary for the Woodbourne Airport Zone. [D] 3.7.13. Noise sensitive activities, not existing at 9 June 2016, underneath the first 500m of the approach and take-off flight fans for the Omaka Airport and Picton (Koromiko) Airport Zones. 3 – 33