Volume Two 4. Coastal Environment Zone A building or structure must not be sited within 20m of a Riparian Natural Character Management Area. A building must not be sited in, or within 8m of, a river, lake, Significant Wetland, drainage channel, the landward toe of any stopbank or the sea. Permanent buildings must not cover more than 15% of the net site area within a Computer Register. The net site area does not include any greenhouse utilising the soils of the site. For a site larger than 4000m, the following minimum setbacks must be 2 provided: (a) 8m for the front boundary; (b) 8m for the rear boundary; (c) 5m for a side boundary. On land within any Marlborough Sounds Outstanding Natural Feature and Landscape: (a) a building or structure must not exceed 10m; 2 (b) any paint applied to the exterior cladding of a building or structure must have a light reflectance value of 45% or less. On land within the Marlborough Sounds Coastal Landscape any paint applied to the exterior cladding of a building or structure must have a light reflectance value of 45% or less. A building or structure that has the potential to divert water must not be within a Level 2 Flood Hazard Area. A building or structure must not be within a Level 3 Flood Hazard Area. Under the National Grid Conductors (wires) within the National Grid Yard the following apply: (a) a fence must not exceed 2.5m in height; (b) a building or structure must be uninhabitable and used for farming or horticulture but must not be used as a dairy shed, intensive farming building or commercial greenhouse; (c) building alterations and additions must be contained within the original building height and footprint; (d) a building or structure must have a minimum vertical clearance of 10m below the lowest point of the conductor associated with the National Grid line or otherwise comply with NZECP34:2001. Around National Grid Support Structures within the National Grid Yard the following apply: (a) a fence must not exceed 2.5m in height and must not be closer than 5m from a National Grid Support Structure; (b) a building or structure must not be closer than 12m to a National Grid Support Structure. 4.2.2. Noise. An activity must not cause noise that exceeds the following limits at the Zone boundary or within the Zone: 4 – 5