2. General Rules Volume Two [R] 2.2.6. Take and use of water for dairy shed wash water up to 15m per day per dairy 3 shed. [R] 2.2.7. Take and use of water from the Wairau Aquifer Freshwater Management Unit up to 15m per day for any purpose until 9 June 2017. 3 [R] 2.2.8. Take and use of water for fire-fighting purposes. [R] 2.2.9. Take of water for the purposes of calibrating a water meter. [R] 2.2.10. Take of water for the purposes of completing a bore test required to determine the yield of a bore and interference effects on other users. [R] 2.2.11. Take and use of water for road or river control construction works up to 50m per 3 day per construction site. [R] 2.2.12. Take of water for dewatering of a trench. [R] 2.2.13. Take and use of water from Significant Wetland W599 for skifield facilities and snowmaking at Rainbow Skifield. [R] 2.2.14. Take and use of water for a recreational hut up to 1m per day per hut. 3 [R] 2.2.15. Take, use and discharge of surface water for non-consumptive use. [R] 2.2.16. Take and discharge of water to land for the purposes of purging water supply infrastructure or in emergency circumstances. [R] 2.2.17. Damming water and the subsequent use of that water. [R] 2.2.18. Diversion of water associated with the operation of the Drainage Channel Network existing on 9 June 2016, and permitted activities in the Floodway Zone. [R] 2.2.19. Diversion and discharge of water by pumping or floodgated gravity outfalls associated with the operation of the Drainage Channel Network existing on 9 June 2016, and rivers within the Floodway Zone, including the partial control of water levels and flow rates. 2 – 2