Volume Two 4. Coastal Environment Zone (b) the natural clarity must not be conspicuously changed due to sediment or sediment laden discharge originating from the vegetation clearance site; (c) the change in reflectance must be <50%. 4.3.12. Cultivation. On all slopes greater than 20° cultivation must be parallel to the contour of the land, except that up to 15% of the cultivated area may be cultivated at an angle to the contour. On all slopes greater than 10° cultivation must not be within 8m of a river (except an ephemeral river, or intermittently flowing river when not flowing), lake or coastal marine area. On all slopes less than or equal to 10° cultivation must not be within 3m of a river (except an ephemeral river, or intermittently flowing river when not flowing), lake or coastal marine area. Cultivation must not be in, or within 8m of, a Significant Wetland, except where the wetland is fenced in accordance with the wetland boundaries mapped in the Plan, in which case cultivation may occur up to the fenced boundary. On completion of cultivation, a suitable vegetative cover that will mitigate soil loss, must be restored on the site so that, within 24 months the amount of bare ground is to be no more than 20% greater than prior to the cultivation taking place. Cultivation must not cause any conspicuous change in the colour or visual clarity of a flowing river after reasonable mixing, or a Significant Wetland, lake or the coastal marine area measured as follows: (a) hue must not be changed by more than 10 points on the Munsell scale; (b) the natural clarity must not be conspicuously changed due to sediment or sediment laden discharge originating from the cultivation site; (c) the change in reflectance must be <50%. 4.3.13. Excavation. Excavation in excess of 1000m must not occur on any land with a slope 3 greater than 20° within any 24 month period. Excavation must not occur on any land with a slope greater than 35°. Excavation must not be in, or within: (a) 8m of a river (except an ephemeral river when not flowing), lake or the coastal marine area; (b) 8m of a Significant Wetland; (c) 8m of the landward toe of a stopbank and the depth of any excavation beyond that must not exceed 15% of the distance between the landward toe of the stopbank and the excavation. Excavation must not be within such proximity to any abstraction point for a drinking water supply registered under section 69J of the Health Act 1956 as to cause contamination of that water supply. Excavation must not be within a Level 2 or 3 Flood Hazard Area. 4 – 13