4. Coastal Environment Zone Volume Two There must be no excavation in excess of 500m per Computer Register 3 located within the Marlborough Sounds Outstanding Natural Feature and Landscape within any 12 month period. Wheeled or tracked machinery must not be operated in, or within 8m of, a river (except an ephemeral river or intermittently flowing river, when not flowing), lake, Significant Wetland or the coastal marine area. Batters must be designed and constructed to ensure they are stable and remain effective after completion of the excavation. Water control measures and sediment control measures must be designed, constructed and maintained in a area disturbed by excavation, such that the area is stable and the measures remain effective after completion of the excavation. The diameter of any culvert used to drain excavation must not be less than 300mm. Excavation must not cause any conspicuous change in the colour or visual clarity of a flowing river after reasonable mixing, or the water in any Significant Wetland, lake or the coastal marine area, measured as follows: (a) hue must not be changed by more than 10 points on the Munsell scale; (b) the natural clarity must not be conspicuously changed due to sediment or sediment laden discharge originating from the excavation site; (c) the change in reflectance must be <50%. 4.3.14. Excavation or filling within the National Grid Yard. Excavation within the National Grid Yard in the following circumstances is exempt from Standards to (inclusive): (a) Excavation that is undertaken as part of agricultural or domestic cultivation, or repair, sealing or resealing of a road, footpath, driveway or farm track; (b) Excavation of a vertical hole, not exceeding 500mm in diameter, that is more than 1.5m from the outer edge of a pole support structure or stay wire; (c) Excavation of a vertical hole, not exceeding 500mm in diameter, that is a post hole for a farm fence or horticulture structure and more than 5m from the visible outer edge of a tower support structure foundation. The excavation must be no deeper than 300mm within 6m of the outer visible edge of a Transmission Tower Support Structure. The excavation must be no deeper than 3m between 6m and 12m of the outer visible edge of a Transmission Tower Support Structure. The excavation must not compromise the stability of a National Grid Support Structure. The filling must not result in a reduction in the ground to conductor clearance distances as required in Table 4 of the New Zealand Electrical Code of Practice (NZECP34:2001). 4.3.15. Filling of land with clean fill. The filling must not use commercial clean fill. Filling in excess of 1000m 3must not occur within any 24 month period. 4 – 14