Volume Two 4. Coastal Environment Zone 4.3.32. Making compost or silage in a pit or stack, or stockpiling agricultural solid waste. The pit, stack or stockpile must not be located within: (a) 50m of a bore; (b) 20m of a river, lake, Significant Wetland or drainage channel; (c) 10m of any boundary of any adjacent land in different ownership. The pit or stack must be completely covered by an impermeable material when not in use. There must be no runoff of leachate from the pit, stack or stockpile. Stormwater must not enter the pit, stack or stockpile. 4.3.33. Storage of compost not in a pit or stack. The storage of compost must not occur within: (a) 50m of a bore; (b) 20m of a river, lake, Significant Wetland, or drainage channel; (c) 10m of any dwelling on any adjacent land in different ownership. If the compost is stored for longer than 3 months, the compost must be completely covered with an impermeable material. 4.3.34. Discharge of contaminants to air arising from the burning of materials for any of the following purposes: (a) training people to put out fires; (b) creating special smoke and fire effects for the purposes of producing films; (c) fireworks display or other temporary event involving the use of fireworks. The Council must be notified at least 5 working days prior to the burning activity commencing. Any discharges for purposes of training people to put out fires must take place under the control of the NZ Fire Service or any other nationally recognised agency authorised to undertake firefighting research or firefighting activities. 4.3.35. Discharge of contaminants to air arising from burning in the open. Only material generated on the same property or a property under the same ownership must be burned. 4.3.36. Discharge of contaminants to air from burning for the purposes of vegetation clearance. Burning must not be carried out on Class 7e or Class 8 land when the Fire Weather Index Parameters (as notified by the Rural Fire Authority for the burn area, pursuant to the Forest and Rural Fires Act 1977) for the burn are: (a) drought code - 200 or higher; (b) build up index - 40 or higher. 4.3.37. Discharge of contaminants to air from seed cleaning. The seed cleaning operation must be contained within a building. 4 – 21