4. Coastal Environment Zone Volume Two [R] 4.5.2. Excavation in excess of 1000m on any land with a slope greater than 20° within 3 any 24 month period including excavation as part of Woodlot Forestry Harvesting. Matters over which the Council has restricted its discretion The effects on water quality and soil conservation from the excavation. 4.6. Discretionary Activities Application must be made for a Discretionary Activity for the following: [R, D] 4.6.1. Any activity provided for as a Permitted Activity, Controlled Activity or Restricted Discretionary Activity that does not meet the applicable standards. [D] 4.6.2. Visitor accommodation. [R, D] 4.6.3. Commercial forestry planting. [R, D] 4.6.4. Commercial forestry harvesting. [D] 4.6.5. Community facility. [R, D] 4.6.6. Quarrying and mineral extraction. [D] 4.6.7. Rural industry. [R] 4.6.8. Dairy farm established after 9 June 2016. [R, D] 4.6.9. Commercial clean fill operation. [D] 4.6.10. Commercial activity. [R] 4.6.11. Discharge human effluent into or onto land through an onsite wastewater management system. [D] 4.6.12. Any use of land not provided for as Permitted Activity, Controlled Activity or Restricted Discretionary Activity or limited as a Prohibited Activity. [R] 4.6.13. Any discharge of contaminants into or onto land, or to air, not provided for as a Permitted Activity or limited as a Prohibited Activity. 4 – 26