2. General Rules Volume Two 2.3.13. Take and use of water for a recreational hut up to 1m per day per hut. 3 The recreational hut must be in the Open Space 3 Zone. Where the take is from a river, except an ephemerally flowing river, the instantaneous take rate must not exceed 5% of river flow at any time. The take must not be from a Water Resource Unit with a Natural State water quality classification, or a Significant Wetland. The take must not be otherwise provided for by a permitted activity or a resource consent. 2.3.14. Take, use and discharge of surface water for non-consumptive use. The instantaneous take rate must not exceed 5% of river flow at any time. The take and discharge must not be from or into a Water Resource Unit with a Natural State water quality classification, or a Significant Wetland. The water must be returned into the same surface waterbody from which it was taken, at the same or similar rate and in the same or better quality. The water taken must be discharged back into the same surface waterbody within 250m of the point of take. 2.3.15. Take and discharge of water to land for the purposes of purging water supply infrastructure or in emergency circumstances. The take and discharge must be conducted by the Marlborough District Council. 2.3.16. Damming water and the subsequent use of that water. The damming and subsequent use of water does not authorise the construction of a dam, which is governed by provisions in the Zone rules. No more than 5,000m of water is dammed at any time. 3 The damming and water use must not be otherwise provided for by a resource consent. 2.3.17. Diversion of water associated with the operation of the Drainage Channel Network existing on 9 June 2016. The diversion must not be in, or within 8m of, a Significant Wetland. The diversion must be managed by the Marlborough District Council. 2.3.18. Diversion and discharge of water by pumping or floodgated gravity outfalls associated with the operation of the Drainage Channel Network existing on 9 June 2016, and rivers within the Floodway Zone, including the partial control of water levels and flow rates. The diversion and discharge must not be in, or within 8m of, a Significant Wetland. The diversion and discharge must be managed by the Marlborough District Council. 2.3.19. Diversion of up to 200l/s of water from the Wairau River into Gibson’s Creek for the purposes of instream protection. The diversion must be managed by the Marlborough District Council. 2 – 6