Volume Two 10. Business 2 Zone 10.3. Standards that Apply to Specific Permitted Activities 10.3.1. Commercial activity. A licenced premise must not be on land adjoining any land zoned Urban Residential 1, Urban Residential 2 (including Greenfields) or Urban Residential 3. Other than goods displayed for sale, the storage of goods outdoors must be at the rear of any building and must be screened from public view. For a commercial activity in the Business 2 Zone in Springlands, the following also apply: (a) The hours of operation for a commercial activity must be restricted to the hours 7.00am – 10.00pm Monday to Sunday (inclusive). (b) All deliveries must be between: 6.00 am and 10.00 pm Monday to Friday (inclusive); 6.00 am and 8.00 pm Saturday; 7.00 am and 8.00 pm Sunday or a public holiday. (c) Delivery vehicles must not park on site outside of the delivery times set out in Standard (d) Commercial activity in the Business 2 Zone in Springlands, excluding Lot 4 DP 3279, must not exceed a maximum total gross floor area of 5700m. 2 (e) Commercial activity on Lot 4 DP 3279 must not exceed a gross floor area of 300m. 2 10.3.2. Park or reserve. The park or reserve must be owned, managed or administered by the Marlborough District Council. All activities within the park or reserve must also comply with the rules of the Open Space 1 Zone. 10.3.3. Residential activity on Lot 4 DP 3279. While Lot 4 DP 3279 is used exclusively for residential activity its use and development is subject to the rules for the Urban Residential 2 Zone. When Lot 4 DP 3279 is used in whole or in part for a commercial activity, the use and development of the property will be subject to the rules for the Business 2 Zone. 10.3.4. Excavation or filling. Excavation or filling must not occur within 8m of the landward toe of a stopbank and the depth of excavation must not exceed 20% of the distance between the landward toe of the stopbank and the excavation. Excavation or filling must not be within a Level 2 Flood Hazard Area. The maximum volume of excavation must not exceed 50m per Computer 3 Register within any 12 month period, unless the excavation is to establish the foundation for a building permitted. 10 – 5