10. Business 2 Zone Volume Two 10.3.9. Discharge of contaminants to air outside of the Blenheim Airshed from the burning of solid fuel in an enclosed pellet burner. The burner must comply with the stack requirements of Appendix 8 – Schedule 2. The burner must only burn fuels approved for use in the burner. 10.3.10. Discharge of contaminants to air within the Blenheim Airshed from the burning of solid fuel in a small scale solid fuel burning appliance that is 15 years of age or older (except an enclosed pellet burner). The continued use of the specified appliance is only permitted until 9 June 2017. The appliance must burn only fuels approved for use in the appliance. 10.3.11. Discharge of contaminants to air within the Blenheim Airshed from the burning of solid fuel in a small scale solid fuel burning appliance that is up to 15 years of age (except an enclosed pellet burner), or an enclosed pellet burner of any age installed prior to 9 June 2016. The appliance must comply with the stack requirements of Appendix 8 – Schedule 2. The appliance must only burn fuels approved for use in the appliance. 10.3.12. Discharge of contaminants to air within the Blenheim Airshed from the burning of solid fuel in a small scale solid fuel burning appliance installed after 9 June 2016. The appliance must comply with the emission, operational and other requirements of Appendix 8 – Schedule 1. The appliance must comply with the stack requirements of Appendix 8 – Schedule 2. The appliance must burn only fuels approved for use in the appliance. 10.3.13. Discharge of heat and water vapour from cooling. No more than 5MW of heat per hour must be discharged. 10.4. Discretionary Activities Application must be made for a Discretionary Activity for the following: [R, D] 10.4.1. Any activity provided for as a Permitted Activity that does not meet the applicable standards. [D] 10.4.2. Any use of land not provided for as a Permitted Activity or limited as a Prohibited Activity. [R] 10.4.3. Any discharge of contaminants into or onto land, or to air, not provided for as a Permitted Activity or limited as a Prohibited Activity. 10 – 8