12. Industrial 1 and 2 Zones Volume Two A building or structure (except a fence) must be set back a minimum of 3m from the boundary of any property within a different zone, unless the other zone is Industrial 1, Industrial 2, Urban Residential 1, Urban Residential 2 (including Greenfields) or Urban Residential 3. A building or structure (except a fence) must be set back a minimum of 6m from the boundary of any property zoned Urban Residential 1, Urban Residential 2 (including Greenfields) or Urban Residential 3, except for Lots 16 to 20 DP 348832 and Lot 2 DP 352510 for which the setback must be a minimum of 3m. The height of a fence, or any part of a fence, on land adjoining a property zoned Urban Residential 1, Urban Residential 2 (including Greenfields) or Urban Residential 3, or fronting Grove Road, Sinclair Street, Main Street, Nelson Street or Middle Renwick Road must not exceed 2m. Buildings and structures must be set back a minimum of 8m from a river, drainage channel, Drainage Channel Network or the landward toe of a stopbank. A building or structure in which human effluent will be created must connect to, and dispose of its effluent into, a Council operated sewerage system designed for that purpose, if the system is within 30m of the property boundary or 60m of the closest building. A building or structure must not be within a Level 3 Flood Hazard Area. Under the National Grid Conductors (wires) within the National Grid Yard the following apply: (a) a building alteration or addition must be contained within the original building height and footprint; (b) a fence must not exceed 2.5m in height; (c) a building or structure must have a minimum vertical clearance of 10m below the lowest point of the conductor associated with the National Grid line or otherwise comply with NZECP34:2001. Around National Grid Support Structures within the National Grid Yard the following apply: (a) a fence must not exceed 2.5m in height and must not be closer than 5m from a National Grid Support Structure; (b) a building or structure must not be closer than 12m to a National Grid Support Structure. 12.2.2. Noise. Standards for the Industrial 1 Zone only: An activity must not cause noise that exceeds the following limits at the zone boundary or within the zone: At any time 70 dBA L Aeq 80dB L AFmax Exception: This noise limit does not apply to the operation of helicopters using the established helicopter pad on Pt Sec 24 Blk III Taylor Pass SD. 12 – 4