13. Port Zone Volume Two (j) synthetic material, including, but not limited to motor vehicle parts, foams, fibreglass, batteries, chemicals, paint and other surface-coating materials, or any type of plastics; (k) waste oil; (l) peat; (m) sludge from industrial processes; (n) animal waste (except animal waste generated on production land), medical waste, pacemakers, biomechanical devices or chemical waste. [C] 13.6.4. From 9 June 2022, the discharge of human sewage, except Grade A or B treated sewerage, from a ship within 1000m of MHWS. [C] 13.6.5. From 9 June 2022, the discharge of human sewage, except Grade A or B treated sewerage, from a ship within 1000m of a marine farm. [C] 13.6.6. Discharge of untreated human sewage into the coastal marine area. [C, D] 13.6.7. New noise sensitive activity within the mapped Inner Control Boundary at the port of Picton and Shakespeare Bay and at Havelock. 13 – 20