Volume Two 15. Marina Zone [C] 15.1.29. Marine oil spill clean-up activity and the associated release of oil dispersants. [C] 15.1.30. Take and use of coastal water. [R] 15.1.31. Discharge of contaminants to air arising from burning in the open. [R] 15.1.32. Discharge of contaminants to air arising from the burning of materials for any of the following purposes: (a) training people to put out fires; (b) creating special smoke and fire effects for the purposes of producing films; (c) fireworks display or other temporary event involving the use of fireworks. [C] 15.1.33. Occupation of the coastal marine area associated with any permitted activity except Coastal Recreation. 15.2. Standards that apply to all permitted activities 15.2.1. Construction, use, maintenance, repair, replacement or extension of a building or structure. The maximum height of a building or structure must not exceed 10m above natural ground level or the ground level established by reclamation. The minimum setback of a building or structure to a public road must be 3m. The minimum setback of a building or structure to the Urban Residential 2 Zone must be 6m. The minimum setback of a building or structure to the boundary of any Zone not specified in, except the Coastal Marine Zone, must be 3m. A building or structure must not be sited within 20m of a Riparian Natural Character Management Area. A building or structure must be set back at least 8m from a river or the landward toe of any stopbank. The land within the minimum building setbacks to any land zoned Urban Residential 2 must not be used for marina operations (including motor vehicle parking). Where a building is to be located in that part of the Marina Zone in Waikawa Bay that is identified in Appendix 10, the following additional performance standards apply: (a) the maximum building height must not exceed 6m; (b) the building must not exceed 50m in ground floor area; 2 (c) only one building is permitted. 15 – 3