2. General Rules Volume Two Drainage Channel Network Activity These rules apply to river control and drainage works only when carried out by the Marlborough District Council exercising its functions, duties and powers under the Soil Conservation and River Control Act 1941, the Land Drainage Act 1908 and in accordance with the Marlborough District Council Rivers and Drainage Asset Management Plan. 2.12. Permitted Activities Unless expressly limited elsewhere by rule a in the Marlborough Environment Plan (the Plan), the following activities shall be permitted without resource consent where they comply with the applicable standards in 2.13 and 2.14: [R, D] 2.12.1. Rock or gabion structural bank protection works. [R] 2.12.2. Driving and construction of a piled retard. [R, D] 2.12.3. Lining of a drainage channel with timber or concrete for hydraulic efficiency or bank structural stability reasons where the channel is of limited width. [R, D] 2.12.4. Maintenance of a culvert or floodgate. [R, D] 2.12.5. Land disturbance activity for the purposes of diverting water. [R, D] 2.12.6. Planting vegetation for the purposes of edge and aquatic habitat protection and prevention of bank erosion. [R] 2.12.7. Removal and control of aquatic vegetation by cutting with an excavator mounted bucket with tined blades. [R] 2.12.8. Removal and control of aquatic vegetation by a floating weedcutter with reciprocating blades, or by hand held cutters (e.g. scythes). [R] 2.12.9. Removal and control of terrestrial vegetation by mechanical or other physical means. 2 – 18