Volume Two 18. Open Space 2 Zone 18. Open Space 2 Zone 18.1. Permitted Activities Unless expressly limited elsewhere by a rule in the Marlborough Environment Plan (the Plan), the following activities shall be permitted without resource consent where they comply with the applicable standards in 18.2 and 18.3: [D] 18.1.1. Passive or active recreation. [D] 18.1.2. Recreational event or special event. [D] 18.1.3. Freedom camping except for in an area identified as a prohibited area for freedom camping in a bylaw made by the Council. [R, D] 18.1.4. Planting of vegetation. [R, D] 18.1.5. Indigenous vegetation clearance. [R, D] 18.1.6. Non-indigenous vegetation clearance. [D] 18.1.7. Use of a community facility. [D] 18.1.8. Emergency service activities of the New Zealand Fire Service on Lot 1 DP 11063 (Renwick Fire Station). [R] 18.1.9. Excavation. [R] 18.1.10. Filling of land with clean fill. [R] 18.1.11. Discharge of contaminants to air arising from burning in the open. [R] 18.1.12. Application of an agrichemical into or onto land. [R] 18.1.13. Application of fertiliser or lime into or onto land. 18 – 1