Volume Two 2. General Rules The removal and control must not be carried out in a tidal reach between 1 February and 30 April, and 1 August and 30 November in any year. 2.14.9. Removal and control of terrestrial vegetation by mechanical or other physical means. The cut or felled vegetation must be removed from a drainage channel less than 3m in width. Vegetation greater than 100mm in diameter must be removed from a drainage channel wider than 3m. Machinery must not be operated in flowing water. Removal of trees overhanging or partially in water must be by machinery operated on the drainage channel bank or mounted on boats or barges. An assessment of the benefits of retaining vegetation, including an analysis of the potential ecological benefits to instream values, must be made before making a decision to removal or control vegetation. 2.14.10. Discharge of an agrichemical into or onto land for the control of terrestrial vegetation. The discharge must be undertaken in accordance with the most recent product label. The agrichemical must be approved for use under the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 and the use and discharge of the substance is in accordance with all conditions of the approval. The agrichemical must not enter water. An assessment of the benefits of retaining vegetation, including an analysis of the potential ecological benefits to instream values, must be made before making a decision on vegetation removal. 2.15. Discretionary Activities Application must be made for a Discretionary Activity for the following: [R, D] 2.15.1. Any activity provided for as a Permitted Activity that does not meet the applicable standards. [D] 2.15.2. Any land use activity not provided for as a Permitted Activity. [R] 2.15.3. Any discharge of contaminants to land not provided for as a Permitted Activity. 2 – 21