Volume Two 19. Open Space 3 Zone 19.3.22. Making compost or silage in a pit or stack, or stockpiling agricultural solid waste. The stack or stockpile must not be located on a Soil Sensitive Area identified as free-draining soils. The pit must not be located on a Soil Sensitive Area identified as free- draining soils or loess soils. The pit, stack or stockpile must not be located within: (a) 50m of a bore unless the bore intercepts the confined layer of Riverlands FMU or the confined layer of the Wairau Aquifer FMU; (b) 20m of a river, lake, Significant Wetland, drainage channel or Drainage Channel Network; (c) 10m of any boundary of any adjacent land in different ownership. The pit or stack must be completely covered by an impermeable material when not in use. There must be no runoff of leachate from the pit, stack or stockpile. Surface run-off must not enter the pit, stack or stockpile. 19.3.23. Storage of compost not in a pit or stack. The storage of compost must not occur within: (a) 50m of a bore unless the bore intercepts the confined layer of Riverlands FMU or the confined layer of the Wairau Aquifer FMU; (b) 20m of a river, lake, Significant Wetland, drainage channel or Drainage Channel Network; (c) 10m of any dwelling on any adjacent land in different ownership. If the compost is stored for longer than 3 months, the compost must be completely covered with an impermeable material. If stored for longer than 3 months, the compost must not be located in a Soil Sensitive Area. 19.4. Discretionary Activities Application must be made for a Discretionary Activity for the following: [R, D] 19.4.1. Any activity provided for as a Permitted Activity that does not meet the applicable standards. [D] 19.4.2. Any use of land not provided for as a Permitted Activity or limited as a Prohibited Activity. [R] 19.4.3. Any discharge of contaminants into or onto land, or to air, not provided for as a Permitted Activity or limited as a Prohibited Activity. 19 – 13