2. General Rules Volume Two The discharge must only be for the purpose of eradicating, modifying, or controlling aquatic plants. The discharge must not be for the purposes of disposing of the agrichemical to water. At least one week before commencing the application, the applicator must notify in writing details of the location, timing and agrichemical to be used in the application to: (a) Every person taking water for domestic supply within 1km downstream of the proposed discharge; (b) Every holder of a resource consent for the taking of water for water supply purposes within 1km downstream of the proposed discharge. Where the discharge is undertaken in a publicly accessible location, appropriate notification signage must be erected and remain in place for at least 7 days after the discharge has occurred. The discharge must not be applied aerially. 2.18. Controlled Activities Application must be made for a Controlled Activity for the following: [R] 2.18.1. The discharge of stormwater to water from a Council operated stormwater system that services land in Blenheim, Picton, Havelock or the Industrial 2 Zone in Riverlands as at 9 June 2016. Standards and terms: The resource consent application required must be received by the Council by 9 June 2021. In Blenheim, Picton and Havelock this rule applies when there is land zoned Business 1, Business 3, or Industrial 1 in the catchment served by the Council operated stormwater system. Matters over which the Council has reserved control: The duration of the consent. Monitoring and reporting on the quality of stormwater discharges and the effect on the receiving environment. The effect of the discharge on water quality, relative to the Water Quality Classification Standards in Appendix 5. Timeframes for the development of a stormwater management strategy to reduce the level of contaminants present in the stormwater. 2 – 26