24. Subdivision Volume Two Zone Allotment Minimum Net Minimum Minimum Qualification Type Allotment Building Frontage W = with Area m² Platform 3 see note sewerage 1 see note Shape Factor below reticulation below 2 see note WO = below without sewerage reticulation Environment Rear WO 20 ha NA NA Access (except for requirements land in the apply, refer Wairau Plain Rule 24.3.2. Area or in the Omaka Valley Area) Rural Front WO 8 ha NA 60 Environment - land in the Rear WO 8 ha NA NA Access Wairau Plain requirements Area or in apply, refer the Omaka Rule 24.3.2. Valley Area Coastal WO 30 ha NA NA All allotments to Environment accommodate a minimum 40m diameter circle. Coastal Front W 2000 20m diameter 40 All allotments to Living circle accommodate a (except for minimum 30m land at diameter circle. Rarangi) Front WO 4000 20m diameter 60 All allotments to circle accommodate a minimum 30m diameter circle. Rear W 2500 20m diameter NA All allotments to circle accommodate a minimum 30m diameter circle. Access requirements apply, refer Rule 24.3.2. 24 – 8