25. Definitions Volume Two Conservation planting means the management and planning of areas of shrubs and vegetation, of which the primary purpose is for amenity and landscape, soil conservation purposes and/or other conservation purpos es. Consumptive uses means a use that involves the taking and using of water, for example, crop irrigation or industrial process es. Contaminant has the same meaning as in Section 2 of the Act. Controlled activity has the same meaning as in Section 2 of the Act. Council means the Marlborough District Council. Criteria for as identified in Appendix 4. Determining Significant Adverse Effects Cultivation means breaking up or turning soil such that the surface contour of the land is not alter ed. Cut-off means a construction for the purpose of intercepting/ carrying surface run-off water into stable areas or into rivers or drai ns. Dairy farm effluent means all dairy effluent and contaminated washwater generated on the site of the farm dairy and associated yard areas. This includes machine washwater, pit washings, faecal matter, and washwater deposited on hard stand are as. Dam means a structure used, or to be used for damming of water. It may be above or below groun d. Data recording device means a device or equipment installed on-board ship that automatically records and stores navigation, ship speed and related dat a. Day means a period of 24 hours commencing at midnight. dBA means a frequency weighted sound pressure level in decibels relative to a reference sound pressure of 20 micropasca ls. Determination of as identified in Appendix 12. Wave Energy Designation has the same meaning as Section 166 of the Act. Designations as identified on the Zone Maps. Developer for the purpose of subdivision, includes subdivider. Dewatering means the abstraction of groundwater so as to lower the water table for the period of time required to enable excavation, construction, or geotechnical work to proceed in the dewatered area, or to sustain a lower localised water tabl e. Discharge has the same meaning as in Section 2 of the Act. Discretionary activity has the same meaning as in Section 2 of the Act. 25 – 6