Volume Two 25. Definitions Front yard means a yard between the front boundary (i.e., road) of a site and a line parallel to the front boundary extending across the full width of the site; provided that where a boundary is indicated in the MEP as a road to be widened the front boundary of the site will be treated as the front boundary as it will be after such widening has been complet ed. Frost fan means a land based device, including both permanent and mobile, designed or adapted to mitigate frost damage by fanning warmer air over potentially frost-affected surfaces, and includes any motive source, the support structure and power source. Fuel burning means any fireplace, grate, stove, incinerator, boiler, furnace, gas equipment turbine, or internal or external combustion engin e. Gabion means a box shaped structure of wire mesh enclosing stones or small rock rip rap used to resist river flow. Ground level means natural ground level. Groundwater means natural water that is below the surface of the ground, the bed of the sea, or the bed of any lake or river or stream, whether the water is flowing or not, and if it is flowing whether it is in a defined channel or not. Includes all natural water that has been, by means of a bore, brought above the surface from below the surface of the ground, the bed of the sea, or the bed of any lake or river or strea m. Gross site area means the total area of the site on which the activity occurs. Groundwater as mapped on the Groundwater Protection Areas Maps 1 to 8. Protection Area Habitable building means a dwelling, community housing, or a building in which visitor accommodation or worker accommodation is provided. Habitable space means all or part of a building that is used for living and includes a living room, sitting room, bedroom and a kitchen; but does not include a laundry, toilet, bathroom, pantry, walk-in wardrobe, corridor, hallway, lobby, clothes drying room, utility room, conservatory or garage. Habitat means the place or type of site where an organism or population normally occu rs. Harvesting track means a temporary track installed to facilitate forestry harvesting only, but does not include a forestry road. Hazardous substance has the same meaning as in Section 2 of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996. Health care activities means the use of land and buildings, in whole or in part for health care purposes, including surgeries, medical or veterinary clinics, and hospitals, but excludes medical insurance brokers. Heavy industrial means activities that process raw materials to finished products; activity materials that have generally been processed at least once; meat processing; heavy fabrication; making and assembling parts that are, in themselves, large and heavy. 25 – 9