Volume Two 25. Definitions Inner Control As mapped on the Noise Control Boundaries Maps 1 to 5. Boundary Intake means a surface system operated to take water from a surface water bod y. Intensively farmed means: livestock (a) cattle or deer grazed on irrigated land or contained for breakfeeding of winter feed crops; (b) dairy cattle; (c) farmed pigs. Intensive farming means any primary production activity exhibiting two or more of the following characteristics: (a) little dependence on the quality of the soils of the site, such as greenhouses, mushrooms, plant nurseries; (b) in excess of 50% coverage in permanent buildings having concrete or otherwise impervious floors for the housing and growing of livestock and/or vegetative matter; (c) substantial environmental control and/or modification to facilitate growth of livestock and/or vegetative matter; (d) high output of collected waste material per hectare and includes all pig farming, poultry farming, rabbit farming; greenhouses not relying on the soils, mushrooms, container growing nursery; and (e) land based aquaculture. Internal combustion means a method of energy generation in which combustion takes place in a controlled chamber or chambers inside an engine to generate mechanical energy. Intermittently flowing means a wetland, lake, river, or reach of river that exists or flows for weeks, or months each year. Irrigation bore means any bore with a casing diameter of greater than 75mm. Iwi Authority has the same meaning as in Section 2 of the Act. Kaitiakitanga has the same meaning as in Section 2 of the Act. km means kilometre. kph means kilometres per hour. KW means kilowatt. L10 means the L exceedance level, expressed in dBA, which is that 10 level of sound equalled or exceeded 10% of the total measurement tim e. Ldn means the day‐night average sound level over a 24 hour period (12.00 am to 12.00 pm) obtained after the addition of 10 decibels to sound levels on the night, where night is 10.00 pm to 7.00 am the following d ay. 25 – 11