2. General Rules Volume Two Paint must not be applied to any previously unpainted surface, nor render to previously unplastered surfaces. 2.25.2. Internal or external safety alteration of a Heritage Resource, necessary for the purpose of improving structural performance (including earthquake strengthening work), fire safety or physical access. For the purposes of improving structural performance, a structural engineering assessment by a Chartered Professional Engineer who has knowledge of the structural characteristics and earthquake performance of the type of Heritage Resource being assessed, must be obtained and provided to the Council. Alterations must not change the character, scale or intensity of the Heritage Resource. 2.26. Discretionary Activities Application must be made for a Discretionary Activity for the following: [D] 2.26.1. Any activity provided for as a Permitted Activity that does not meet the applicable standards. [D] 2.26.2. Any land use activity involving a Heritage Resource not provided for as a Permitted Activity. 2.27. Prohibited Activities The following are Prohibited Activities for which no application can be made: 2.27.1. The whole or part demolition or removal of a Category I Heritage Resource. 2 – 30