Volume Two 25. Definitions Non-habitable means all or part of a building or structure that is not used for living. Non-mechanical means removing vegetation by hand or by a hand held device, for example a chainsaw or weed trimmer. Notable Tree as identified in Appendix 13. Notional boundary means a line 20m from any side of a dwelling or the legal boundary where this is closer to the dwelling. NZECP34:2001 means the New Zealand Electrical Code of Practice for Electrical Safe Distances. NZTM means the New Zealand Transverse Mercator projected east/north coordinate system maintained by Land Information New Zealan d. Obstacle limitation means a series of surfaces that define the limits to which objects surfaces (OLS) may project into the airspace. The OLS comprises transitional surface; approach surface/ take-off climb surface; inner horizontal surface; conical surface; outer horizontal surface; inner approach surface; inner transitional surface; and balked landing surfac e. As identified in Appendix 15. Offal pit means a hole excavated on a rural property to be used on an ongoing basis for the purpose of disposing of offal or dead animals generated on that property. Omaka Valley Area as mapped on the Omaka Valley Area Map 9. On-site wastewater means a system that services a residential dwelling, or other facility management that generates domestic wastewater, by receiving, treating and absorbing the domestic wastewater within the property boundaries of the site of generation. The system consists of a treatment unit and land application area. A new on-site wastewater management system is one installed after 9 June 2016 and includes an extension to, or replacement of, an existing land application ar ea. Outer noise control means a defined area around a particular site outside of the inner boundary noise boundary within which the current or future daily amount of noise exposure will be sufficiently high as to require appropriate land use controls (3 month average night weighted sound exposure = 55 Ldn). As mapped on the Noise Control Boundaries Maps 1 to 5. Outstanding Natural as mapped on the Landscape Maps 1 to 11 and described in Feature and Appendix 1. Landscape Papakāinga unit means a traditional Māori settlement area on Māori land and includes activities associated with residential living. 25 – 17