Volume Two 25. Definitions Radio communication means any transmitting/receiving devices such as aerials, dishes, facility antennae, cables, lines, wires and associated cabinets/equipment /apparatus, as well as support structures such as towers, masts and poles. Rear boundary in relation to a front site or a non- standard site, means a boundary generally to the rear of the site and generally parallel to the road frontage; provided that in the event of there being no rear boundary, as in a triangular site, the boundaries of the rear yard will be the converging side boundaries of the site and the arc of a circle drawn with the apex as centre and radius of 4.5m. Rear yard means a yard between the rear boundary of a site and a line parallel to the rear boundary extending across the full width of the site. Reasonable mixing means for any point source discharge the zone of reasonable mixing in the receiving water must extend from the discharge point as follows: For rivers and streams, the lesser of: (a) a distance downstream that equals seven times the width of the river or stream when the flow is at half the median flow; or (b) 200m downstream For rivers subject to tidal influence: As for rivers and streams plus a distance upstream equal to half of that allowed downstream when the width is taken at half the median river flow at mid-tide. For artificial watercourses (including farm drainage channels), the greater of: (a) 200m downstream; or (b) the property boundary. For lakes: Within a radius of 100m. Recession Plane and as identified in Appendix 26. Height Controls Reclamation means the permanent infilling of the foreshore or seabed with sand, rock, quarry material, concrete, or other similar material, for any purpose, and includes any embankment, but does not include any structure above water where that structure is supported by piles, any rubble mound breakwater that does not have a vehicle access track, any deposition of material or infilling that is not permanent, or any infilling where the purpose of that infilling is to provide beach nourishment. Recognised means a suitably qualified and experienced person in their field. professional Recreation clubroom means a building, a room or a group of rooms that is used or and ancillary building intended to be used exclusively for the operation of recreation activities and the storage of equipment used for recreation activiti es. Recreation activity means any activity whose primary aim is the passive or active enjoyment of leisure on a non-profit basis, whether competitive or non-competitive, casual or organised, including changing rooms, shelters, public toilets and other buildings accessory to recreation activities. 25 – 19