Volume Two 25. Definitions Runway Protection as identified on the Zone Map. Area: Woodbourne Rural industry means an industry, constructional engineers and roading and cartage contractors workshops or yards where either: (a) 75% of the total business is with the rural sector and/or coastal marine area; (b) The nature of the industry is such that it is inappropriately located within an urban or industrial zone. Rural selling place means any land, building or that part of a building on which farm produce is exchanged, sold, offered or displayed for sale either by wholesale and/or retail provided that in the case where a purchaser harvests the produce, the Rural Selling Place means any land, building or part of a building on or in which such produce is weighed, packaged and sold. Schedule of as identified in Appendix 14. Designated Land Scheduled Sites as identified on the Zone Map. Scheme Plan as identified in Appendix 7. Requirements Seabed means the submarine areas covered by the internal waters and the territorial s ea. Sediment means particulate soil and/or organic matter. Sediment control means measures to intercept or divert runoff of water and to capture measures sediment. Sound Exposure means the A-weighted sound pressure level that, if maintained Level (SEL) constant for a period of one second, would convey the same sound energy to the receiver as is actually received from a given noise event. Sensitive receptor means schools both public and private, licensed day care facilities, hospitals, and elder care faciliti es. Service activity means the use of land and buildings for the primary purpose of the transport, storage, maintenance or repair of goods, and activities ancillary to commercial activities such as mail processing, collection and distribution service s. Service industry means activities that are directed at providing service as opposed to the production of goods and includes catering depots, laundries, steam pressing and dry cleaning premises, sign writing and sign making, caravan and motor vehicle rental premises, premises for the rental of household equipment and effects, fruit and produce markets, shoe repair and upholstery repair workshops, and household appliance repair workshop s. 25 – 21