Volume Two 25. Definitions Site in relation to a building or structure, means any area of land/or volume of space of sufficient dimensions to accommodate any complying activity provided for by a rule in the Plan: (a) Corner site - will be deemed to be a ‘front site’; (b) Front site - means a site having one frontage of not less than the minimum prescribed by the Plan for the particular zone in which the site is situated to a road, private road, or the sea; and (c) Rear site - means a site that is situated generally to the rear of another site and that has not the frontage required for a front site for that use in the zone. Where a right of way is employed, the line(s) defining the extent of that right of way on a survey plan must be treated as a legal boundary for the purpose of bulk and location controls for buildings. Site where in the context it is appropriate, includes an area or place or river reach. Site means a place or area where an activity takes place. Site in relation to frost fans, has the meaning of single land holding. Skid failure means the abrupt collapse downslope of unconsolidated fill or bird nest material making up the outer margins of the skid site. Skid site means an area where a log hauler is erected/operated, logs are stored, processed, and loaded onto trucks or barges for removal from the land. Ski season means the period from 1 March and 31 October in any year. Skifield activity means the use of land for summer and winter recreational activity, including activities, buildings and structures associated with the commercial operation of the skifield. Slash includes branches, tops, chunks, cull logs, uprooted stumps, slovens, broken trees and other waste wood, greater than 100mm in diameter at any point. Slope means the angle of a hillslope from the horizontal, measured at right angles to the contour. Where compound slopes are involved, the slope will be taken as the average slope measured over a 50m length of the area of land being disturbed. Where there is doubt, the slope is to be measured at least to the accuracy of a hand held clinometer or bett er. Slope failure means the abrupt collapse downslope of natural ground. 25 – 23