2. General Rules Volume Two There must be no storage or deposition of any chemical or substance, including preparation of cement products, within 10m of the base of the tree or within the Tree Protection Zone. Below ground level there must be no laying or installation of an underground utility service within 10m of the base of the tree or within the Tree Protection Zone, whichever is the greater. There must be no excavation within 10m of the base of the tree or within the Tree Protection Zone, whichever is the greater. Mulching of a tree within its Tree Protection Zone must not exceed a depth of 100mm. 2.29.3. Emergency works to a Notable Tree. Where there is an existing or imminent threat to life, property, a utility or a service, by a Notable Tree or any part thereof, immediate action can be taken to eliminate or abate the hazard by any safe means. Only work which is necessary to remove the imminent threat must be undertaken. Within 5 working days of the emergency works being taken, the Council must be notified in writing of the action taken and be provided with evidence of the urgency (including photographs). 2.30. Discretionary Activities Application must be made for a Discretionary Activity for the following: [D] 2.30.1. Any activity provided for as a Permitted Activity that does not meet the applicable standards. [D] 2.30.2. Any land use activity involving a Notable Tree not provided for as a Permitted Activity. 2 – 32