Volume Two 2. General Rules each parking space allocated to the nearest entry vehicle crossing for the purpose of the assessment. In the case of a drive-on or drive-through facility, sufficient queuing space must be provided on the property such that there is no spill-over of waiting vehicles onto a public street. Landscaping Requirements for Parking Spaces A group of five or more parking spaces on a property within or adjoining any land zoned Urban Residential 1, Urban Residential 2 (including Greenfields) or Urban Residential 3 must be screened from view from an adjoining residential property by a fence or vegetation, or other means of screening. A wheel stop or other suitable barrier must be positioned in front of a boundary fence within a parking area adjoining any land zoned Urban Residential 1, Urban Residential 2 (including Greenfields) or Urban Residential 3. 2.32.2. Onsite manoeuvring associated with permitted activities in all zones. The manoeuvring area from the road boundary to any parking space must be designed to accommodate a 90 percentile car or truck (refer Figure 2.2 and 2.3). Onsite manoeuvring for a 90 percentile car or truck must be provided to ensure that no vehicle is required to reverse either onto, or off a property where: (a) an activity has vehicle access and/or a vehicle crossing to an arterial road (as identified in Appendix 17); (b) an activity provides 4 or more parking spaces having vehicle access and/or a vehicle crossing onto a principal or collector road (as identified in Appendix 17); (c) an activity requires 10 or more parking spaces; (d) three or more dwellings share a common access. Apply tracking curves as follows in (a), (b) and (c), and illustrated in Figures 2.2 and 2.3: (a) where vehicles normally manoeuvre at speeds of less than 10km per hour a minimum clearance of 300mm must be maintained between the vehicle tracking area curve and any fixed object; (b) where vehicles normally manoeuvre at speeds greater than 10km per hour a minimum clearance of 600mm must be maintained between the vehicle tracking curve and any fixed object; (c) for public and customer car parking, the 90 percentile tracking curves apply as shown in Figure 2.2. 2 – 39