1. Introduction Volume Two • restricted discretionary activities • discretionary activities • non-complying activities • prohibited activities. The MEP uses all these activity classifications, except for non-complying activities. Permitted activities Resource consent is not required for a permitted activity if it complies with all the specified standards. If an activity does not comply with one or more of the specified standards, it is not a permitted activity. In those instances the activity will fall into one of the activity categories below and will require resource consent except those activities that are prohibited. Controlled activities Resource consent is required for a controlled activity and an application for resource consent must be granted. The MEP provides for controlled activities where the adverse effects of an activity can be managed through consent conditions. Conditions can be imposed but only for those matters over which control has been reserved, which are set out in the MEP. Restricted discretionary activities Resource consent is required for a restricted discretionary activity. The Council may approve or decline an application for a restricted discretionary activity. The MEP specifies the matters over which the Council has restricted its discretion. The Council's consideration of the application, and the ability to refuse the application and impose conditions, is restricted to these matters. These matters are set out within the MEP. Discretionary activities Resource consent is required for a discretionary activity. The Council may approve or decline an application for a discretionary activity. In assessing the proposed activity, the Council can consider all relevant objectives and policies within the MEP, all potential environmental effects, and any matters outlined in Section 104 of the RMA without limitation in decision-making. In most cases the Council uses a discretionary activity status for any activity that it not otherwise provided for in other statuses. Prohibited activities Certain activities are expressly prohibited in the MEP. Applications for resource consent cannot be made for a prohibited activity. Prohibited activities are clearly identified throughout the relevant General Rules and zone-based rules. Structure of Volume 2 Volume 2 of the MEP contains both General Rules and zoned-based rules. Resource users may need to refer to both sets of rules to determine the status of a proposed activity, depending on the nature of the activity. There is a separate chapter of rules applying to the subdivision of land (Chapter 24). Appendix 16 also contains additional rules for specific sites. The sites are identified in the appendix and are mapped in Volume 4. General Rules The General Rules in Chapter 2 of Volume 2 apply to activities irrespective of zoning. The rules control the following activities: 1 – 2