Volume Two 2. General Rules Maximum Number of Vehicle Crossings The maximum number of vehicle crossings to a property per road frontage must be in accordance with Table 2.9. Table 2.9: Maximum Number of Vehicle Crossings Road Legal Speed Frontage Length Hierarchy Limit for (as identified in Road (km/hr) Appendix 1 7) 0-20m 21-60m 61-100m 101+m Local & Any 1 2 2 3 Collector National & <100 2 1 2 2 Arterial National & 100 1 1 1 2 Arterial Sight Distance from a Vehicle Crossing Unobstructed sight distances must be provided from a new or altered vehicle crossing, existing vehicle crossing where there is a change of land use activity, or a crossing for a new land use activity. Sight distance from the vehicle crossings must be in accordance with Table 2.10 and Figure 2.8. Table 2.10: Minimum Sight Distances from a Vehicle Crossing Legal Speed Limit Minimum Sight Distance for Road (km/hr) Residential Non Residential Use 0-50 45m 80m 51-60 65m 105m 61-70 85m 140m 71-80 115m 175m 81-100 160m 210m 2 – 49