Volume Two 1. Introduction • The taking, use, damming and diversion of water; • Activities in, on, under or over the beds of lakes and rivers; • Drainage works undertaken by the Council; • Discharges to water; • Discharges to air for road and railway corridors; • Heritage resources; • Notable trees; • Transportation; • Signage; • Utilities; and • Temporary Military Training Activities. Zone-based rules The Council utilises zoning to enable a specific set of rules to apply to an identified area. With the exception of rivers, formed road and the railway corridor, all land in Marlborough is zoned. All coastal space is also zoned. Volume 4 of the MEP provides information on the various zonings. In addition to the General Rules, the zone-based rules apply to the relevant zones identified in Volume 4. Depending on the nature of the environment to which the zone applies, the zone-based rules control the following activities: • Land use activities; • The discharge of contaminants onto or into land, and into air; • Activities in the coastal marine area. Identifying regional policy statement, regional plan, regional coastal plan and district plan provisions Volume 2 contains a combination of the regional coastal plan, regional plan and district plan rules. Section 80 of the RMA requires the Council to identify within a combined document the provisions that are the regional coastal plan, the regional plan or the district plan. The Council has identified each rule in the MEP with one of the following notations: C (regional coastal plan), R (regional plan) or D (district plan). In some cases, the Council is exercising both regional council and district Council functions to control the effects of the use of land. The relevant rules therefore have both an R and a D notation. In other cases, where a zone includes both land and water (e.g. Port Zone), some rules have both a “D notation and a ‘C’ notation, depending on whether the activity spans the land/water interface. Interpretation of lists Many sections of the MEP contain lists. These lists should be regarded as cumulative, except where indicated otherwise by the use of ‘and’ or ‘or’. 1 – 3