2. General Rules Volume Two 2.35. Standards that apply to all permitted activities 2.35.1. General. The signage must relate to or be associated with a service, product or event available or occurring on the site on which the sign is located. Only one sign is permitted per property unless otherwise provided for in the Standards in 2.36. A sign must not be erected on, or adjacent to, a road reserve, where the sign may: (a) obstruct the line of sight of any corner, bend, intersection or vehicle access; (b) obstruct, obscure or impair the view of any traffic sign or signal; (c) physically obstruct or impede traffic or pedestrians; (d) resemble or be likely to be confused with any traffic sign or signal; (e) use reflective materials (other than a traffic safety sign) that may interfere with a road user's vision; (f) be within 120m of any State Highway intersection or bridge, within a 100km/hr speed limit. The sign message must be clear and concise. Lettering sizes on signage must be such that it does not cause any safety issue for motorists. A sign must be erected to present an unrestricted view to the motorist for the applicable minimum distance shown in Table 2.11. Table 2.11: Minimum Visibility Distance to Signs Regulatory Speed Limit (kph) Visibility Distance (m) 0-50 80 51-70 130 71-80 175 81-100 250 A sign must comply with the height and, where applicable, recession plane requirements for the zone in which it is located. A sign is not required to comply with rules relating to setbacks from road boundaries in each of the respective zones. A sign attached to a building must not exceed the highest point of the roof. A sign must be constructed, fixed and placed in a manner so it does not pose a danger to property or people. A removable panel within the permitted area of a sign may be provided indicating whether a premise is open or closed. The minimum distance between signs on successive properties, as read from the one direction and measured parallel to the centre-line of the road, must be as shown in Table 2.12: 2 – 56