Volume Two 3. Rural Environment Zone Filling must not cause any conspicuous change in the colour or visual clarity of a flowing river after reasonable mixing, or the water in a Significant Wetland, lake or the coastal marine area measured as follows: (a) hue must not be changed by more than 10 points on the Munsell scale; (b) the natural clarity must not be conspicuously changed due to sediment or sediment laden discharge originating from the filling site; (c) the change in reflectance must be <50%. The filling must not occur in a Soil Sensitive Area identified as loess soils. 3.3.17. Construction or alteration of a bore except a geotechnical bore constructed for the investigation of sub-surface conditions. The construction or alteration of a bore does not authorise the taking, use, damming or diversion of water, rules for these activities are in the General Rules. The bore must not be located: (a) within the bed of a river; (b) within 8m of the landward toe of a stopbank; (c) within 50m of the land application area of any on-site wastewater management system or an offal pit, unless the bore intercepts the confined layer of the Riverlands FMU or the confined layer of the Wairau Aquifer FMU; (d) within 50m of the boundary of a property in which the discharge of dairy effluent to land occurs, unless the bore intercepts the confined layer of the Riverlands FMU or the confined layer of the Wairau Aquifer FMU; (e) in, or within 8m of, a Significant Wetland. (f) within a Groundwater Protection Area. The bore casing must contain only one screen, which must not exceed 10m in length. The bore must be capped at all times. The bore must be constructed by a Recognised Professional. A copy of the bore log, including a grid reference identifying the bore location, must be supplied to the Council in a suitable electronic format within 20 working days of construction or alteration of the bore. Additional Standards for bores to be used for domestic purposes: Within the Brancott FMU, the Benmorven FMU or the Omaka Aquifer FMU, the bore must not be located within 50m of an existing domestic bore on an adjacent property in different ownership. In all other areas, the bore must not be located within 10m of an existing domestic bore on an adjacent property in different ownership. Additional Standards for bores to be used for irrigation purposes: Within the confined layer of Riverlands FMU or the confined layer of the Wairau Aquifer FMU, the bore must not be located within 200m of an existing bore on an adjacent property in different ownership. 3 – 20