Marlborough District Council Alcohol Control Bylaw 2018 This bylaw is made under the Local Government Act 2002. [Explanatory Note The Local Government Act 2002 gives Council the power to control the consumption and possession of alcohol in public places. The Council can use this power generally, to create on-going alcohol bans in public places, or to ban alcohol for one-off special events or occasions in public places. The aim of this bylaw is to control the consumption of alcohol in those public places where Council is concerned that the possession of alcohol in the public place, whether generally or over a specified period may result in disorderly behaviour and criminal offending.] 1. Title This bylaw is the Marlborough District Council Alcohol Control Bylaw 2018. 2. Commencement This bylaw comes into force on 1 February 2018. 3. Application This bylaw applies to all public places in the Marlborough District. 4. Definitions For the purposes of this bylaw, the following definitions will apply: alcohol has the meaning given by section 147(1) of the Local Government Act 2002, being the meaning given by section 5(1) of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012: [Explanatory Note: in section 5(1), alcohol means a substance— (a) that— (i) is or contains a fermened, distilled, or spirituous liquor; andt (ii)at 20°C is found on analysis to contain 1.15% or more ethanol by volume; or (b) that— (i) is a frozen liquid, or a mixture of a frozen liquid and another substance or substances; and (ii)is alcohol (within the meaning of paragraph (a)) when completely thawed to 20°C; or (c)that, whatever its form, is found on analysis tocontain 1.15% or more ethanol by weight in a form that can be assimilated by people.] Councilmeans the Marlborough District Council: licensed premises has the meaning given by section 147(1) of the Local Government Act 2002, being the meaning given by section 5(1) of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012: [Explanatory Note: in section 5(1), licensed premises means any premises for which a licence is held] public placehas the meaning given by section 147(1) of the Local Government Act 2002: [Explanatory Note: in section 147(1), public place— (a) means a place that is open to or is being used by the public, whether free or on payment of a charge, and whether any owner or occupier of the place is lawfully entitled to exclude or eject any person from it; but (b) does not include licensed premises.]