Stanmore How service builds connections In many respects, Service Learning is about two types of opportunities for our boys. The program offers a variety of volunteer opportunities directly promoted by the College. Each year, hundreds of our boys take advantage of these “in-house” service opportunities, such as serving meals atthe Loaves and Fishes restaurant and the Exodus Night Dessert Van; getting their hands dirty with Clean Up Australia; bringing joy to elderly patientsat the Metro Rehab Hospital; interactingwith young disabled adults at Sylvanvaleand door knocking for the Salvos on the Annual Red Shield Appeal. ‘Our boys have become very quick to respond to their community’s needs’ While these formally arranged Service Learning events are really worthwhile, I think our boys gain the most from the more informal service opportunities they arrange themselves. What is most impressive is that our boys are Nicholas Condon and James Arfanis at the Loaves and Fishes Restaurant becoming increasingly aware of opportunities to serve members of their after school care programs; doing surf of empathy for their fellow humans. Our community and have become very quick lifesaving patrols; cleaning and boys are out there making connections to respond to their community’s needs. gardening in the yards of their elderly with real people, not just “friends” on a Each year, hundreds of boys submit neighbours; assisting at nursing homes Facebook page. In doing so, they are their annual Service Learning report … the list is endless! taking real strides in moving from being templates to me. I marvel at the Responding to these service “boys of promise” to “men of substance”. diversity of activities they engage in. We opportunities offers opportunities for We can be very proud of them. have boys coaching junior sports teams; our boys’ personal growth. They Mr Mick Madden assisting at their local primary school’s encourage and foster the development Head of Service Learning More than just a sing-along Broderick Simpkin (10/LE) did part people at the sing-along. Then I would and brothers. They helped me to of his Service Learning at Stella usually help clean up the kitchen where get to know the people and their Maris Aged Care in Cronulla. afternoon tea was made and assist in life story. At Stella Maris, I helped out at their wheeling some of the less mobile The people made me smile as they weekly sing-along. This sing-along residents back to their rooms. were so happy and were enjoying consists of singing, dancing and Stella Maris taught me how to be themselves. I talked to some of the afternoon tea for the residents at the compassionate and caring towards residents and they were always facility. I helped out with the singing, others (especially elderly people). The thanking me for assisting them and and I would always get up and dance residents at Stella Maris are nice and helping out. Some of the people at in front of the residents, which friendly people who were eager to get to Stella Maris are less mobile than helped brighten their day. After the know me. others, which means some aren’t singing and dancing, I would help I felt so proud to be able to help out able to get around. However, this serve afternoon tea and get the with the sing-along and with the activity allows them to have some opportunity to talk to some of the assistance of the staff and the sisters fun, which makes me very happy. 18| NEWS AUTUMN 2018| OPPORTUNITY