3 Person who has control of any ves sel means the Master in relation to any vessel to which this Bylaw applies. The expression includes any other person in charge of any such vessel. Spe ed means speed from point to point disregarding the influences of tide, wind or any other such factors. Tory Channel Entran ce means the stretch of water which lies at the entrance to Tory Channel between the geographical points known as West Head and East Head. Vessel to which this Bylaw applies means any vessel of the type referred to in Schedule One. 2.00 Control of Ship’s Speed 2.01 No person who has the control of any vessel to which this Bylaw applies shall: (a) Operate such vessel; or (b) Allow such vessel to be operated in the defined area at a speed in excess of eighteen (18) knots. 3.00 Permits to Exceed Speed 3.01 Notwithstanding anything in clause 2.01 of this Bylaw Council may issue a permit in writing for any vessel to which this Bylaw applies to exceed the speed limit specified in clause 2.01. 3.02 Any such permit issued in terms of clause 3.01 of this Bylaw