9 9.00 Fees and Charges 9.01 The operator of every vessel to which this Bylaw applies shall pay to the Marlborough District Council the fees specified in Schedule One in respect of each passage of any vessel into or out of the Tory Channel entrance. 9.02 Subject to Council having issued an invoice to the operator in respect of such fees, such fees shall be payable on a calendar monthly basis and shall be paid within fourteen (14) days of the completion of each calendar month. 9.03 An invoice issued by Council and specifying the number of passages of any vessel for the calendar month in question shall be prima facie evidence that such number of passages occurred. Such prima facie evidence may be displaced by proof on a balance of probabilities that a fewer number or a greater number of passages occurred. 9.04 Council may from time to time by resolution set a fee or fees to be applied in relation to every application for a permit to allow any vessel to exceed the speed limit under clause 3.00 and such fee or fees shall be payable by any applicant in respect of such an application. 9.05 Council may from time to time by resolution set a fee or fees to be applied in relation to every application for a permit to exempt a vessel from compliance with the requirements in clause 4.01 and such fee or fees shall be payable by any applicant in