ON FARM NATIONAL CARBON NEUTRAL Carbon‑neutral pathways able to reduce the overall chill factor by 4–5⁰C, and that can be the difference between lambs surviving or not.” 3. Lot feeding Lambs are reaching market compliance faster by being moved into a feedlot, allowing the paddocks to be rested ready for pregnant and lambing ewes. 4. Productivity With a smaller land base for livestock production, every hectare must perform. Using a combination of genetics, livestock management and a highly productive feedbase, this is being achieved. Towards 2030 Dunkeld Pastoral Company 1. Genetics On the back of its plan for the red has shared its strategies for “We’re using a composite sire and meat industry to be carbon neutral by moving to carbon neutrality breeding for early finishing, high‑end 2030, known as CN30, MLA is currently in a new MLA video in an example marbling, weight gains and fertility,” working with producers to provide of supporting the industry goal of Glenn said. examples of current carbon balances and a carbon neutral Australian red “In our area, you lamb down in June to determine which approaches to adopt meat industry by 2030. and July when it’s quite cold and wet. to close the carbon balance to neutral. Dunkeld Group General Manager Glenn Survivability is a big thing. If a lamb isDozens of producer case studies will be White (pictured) explains how using born with 2mm of fat on its back instead conducted Australia‑wide over the next carbon emission reduction strategies in of zero, it has a much better chance.” 12 months and will provide the best the past five years has worked in unison 2. Vegetation and land management pathways for the industry to be carbon with growing production – from the Approximately 20% of the land area neutral by 2030 or earlier. ■ same land base. was set aside for conservation and “It won’t be long before a carbon‑neutralbiodiversity. Much of this is contained in Glenn White product will command a premium and 30–50m corridors. Paddocks of up to E: gwhite@dunkeldpastoral.com.au we want to be ready to take advantage 120ha were cut into smaller paddocks of dunkeldpastoral.com.au of that market and be at the forefront,” 10–15ha surrounded by shelterbelts. View Dunkeld’s CN30 video on he said. “By doing that we’ve been able to MLA’s YouTube channel: “It’s about taking the land you have and lamb down small mobs of 120–150 meatandlivestock utilising it to the best potential in a wayewes, so we’re getting higher lambing that is sustainable.” percentages,” Glenn said. Dunkeld has taken its red meat and “Clover is king for us. As soon as pasture wool production from 440 tonnes in gets to a certain height we take it down, 2012 to 800 tonnes in 2018. allowing new fresh growth to come In the video, Glenn explains the four through. Stock do better on that. pathways utilised to reduce emissions: “By planting tree shelterbelts we’ve been SNAPSHOT:Dunkeld Pastoral Company, Dunkeld, VictoriaSl Area: Enterprise: Livestock: Pasture: Soil: Rainfall: 9,000ha Sheep and cattle 26,000 Merino Phalaris, Sandy loams, 700mm ewes, 800 clover‑based self‑mulching breeding cows basalts 20