Practical Ideas Some simple methods to minimise or avoid the adverse environmental effects from forest harvesting activities are set out below. These methods are not necessarily the only ways to minimise or avoid adverse environmental effects, but are intended as a guide to help you think about how you can achieve the appropriate environmental standards on any specific forest harvesting site. Tracks and Roads Harvest Plan Prepare a harvest plan including road and tracking works before starting to harvest. A copy of this plan and the resource consent (if required) should be available onsite to all key staff and contractors at all times. Minimise Roads and Tracks Roads and tracks can be a major source of sediment run-off to waterways. Only construct roads and tracks that are absolutely necessary for the harvesting operation. Gradient Roads and tracks across a slope act as a catchment drain for all the land above and therefore can carry a lot of stormwater. Steep tracks and roads can generate more sediment run-off due to greater velocities of stormwater if adequate water controls are not installed. Stormwater is also harder to control on steeper tracks and roads. Tracks and roads across the slope should not be formed at gradients greater than 1:6 (9.5 degrees). If this is unavoidable, gradients should not be more than 1:5 (11.3 degrees) for more than 20m. 7 6 metres 205 momneeltytrreess m11 m Land surface