Gravel Roads On main haul roads spread good quality aggregate over the surface where locally sourced material from excavation is not of a suitable quality to withstand heavy traffic. This will not only minimise sediment run-off from roads, but also improve traction and keep roads and harvesting operations going longer into periods of wet weather. Roads to Shed Water Form tracks and roads with a crossfall to the water table on the inside edge, or a crown in the centre. Flume to clear unstable ll Culvert Sump Benches The outside edge of roads and tracks that are formed with fill material are susceptible to failure. Any fill that is uncompacted can be prone to erosion from tension cracks and scouring. Where terrain dictates, pre-form a bench for fill to be placed on. This will help stabilise the outside edge of tracks and roads. Vegetation should be cleared prior to forming the benches and shifted away from the area to be filled. This is to prevent fill being placed over living or dead vegetation. Fill areas can be undermined and collapse as the vegetation decomposes. Usable road width Cut Cut Second bench Fill First bench 8 elbat retaW