Decrease culvert spacing to increase water controls on steeper roads and tracks. The more stormwater is controlled, the less chance it has to gain speed and erosive power. It also reduces the risk of sediment entering waterways. End-Haul at Stream Crossings When using a machine to construct stream crossings use only the bucket in the streambed and keep the machine out. No loose fill should be placed closer than 8m to a stream or river crossing. Excavated material from approaches to stream crossings should therefore be end-hauled away to a stable fill site so that it does not end up in the stream or river. However, it is acknowledged that rock fill can be required to construct culverted stream crossings. This should preferably be clean rock material or ‘rotten rock’ that can be compacted. 8 m 8 m Fish Passage Native fish can’t jump To maintain fish passage make sure culverts in streams are placed at least 50mm bel oiswh ’tthe existing stream bed. If necessary, a simple ‘fish ladder’ can be constructed by placing suitable rock at the down stream end of the culvert to create a small rapid.lver Fish can’t get through culvert 10