Appendix D - Areas of Significant Conservation Value Appendix D Areas of Significant Conservation Value The information contained in Appendix D has been obtained from Davidson, R J; Courtney, S P; Millar, I R; Brown, D A; Deans, N; Clerke, P R ; Dix, J C; Lawless, P F; Mavor, S J; McRae, S M 1995: Ecologically important marine, freshwater, island and mainland areas from Cape Soucis to Ure River, Marlborough, New Zealand: Recommendations for Protection. Department of Conservation, Nelson/Marlborough Conservancy. Occasional Publication No 16, 286 p. Coastal and Marine (Intertidal and Subtidal) Number Site Status Page Conservation Value 1 /30 Whites Bay, Cloudy Bay, East Regional 68 Highly modified but forest regenerating. Coast Large variety of exposed east coast marine life, sandy coast, sand, tussock and spinifex (regionally unique community). Nationally unique regenerating coastal broad leaf. Cultural (Maori) dwarf false musk. Re-establishment of Pingao. 1/30 Rarangi, Cloudy Bay, East Coast Regional 68 As above. 1/31 Wairau Lagoons, Cloudy Bay, East National 70 Largest biologically important estuary on Coast east coast. 90 species avifauna - 27% of which are endangered vulnerable or rare. Royal spoonbill, wrybill, caspian tern, banded dotterel (vulnerable) black stilt (endangered). Waterfowl. 22 species of fish include two species flatfish, whitebait. Lagoon acts as nursery area. White bluffs dominant feature, boulder bank. 1/31 White Bluffs, Cloudy Bay, East National 70 As above. Coast 1/32 Seaview, Clifford Bay, East Coast National 73 Weeping broom (threatened). Scientific reserve (flora). 1/34 Cloudy Bay Hectors Dolphin Area, National 77 Hectors dolphin (nationally large East Coast population). 1/34 Clifford Bay Hectors Dolphin National 77 As above. Area, East Coast 1/35 Cape Campbell Kelp Beds and Regional 79 Macrocystis pyifera (kelp) and, adjacent to Shore Platforms, East Coast Cape. Marine habitat. 1/36 Chancet Rocks, East Coast International 80 Silicifed fossil sponges (genus Turonia). Chancet rocks. Pingao, banded dotterel (threatened), New Zealand fur seal haulout area. High degree of natural character. 1/36 Needles, East Coast International 80 As above. 1/36 Mirza Creek, East Coast Regional 80 As above. App D- 1