Wairau/Awatere Resource Management Plan 4. Maintenance and Flood Damage Repair Maintenance and flood damage repair will be carried out on all rivers and drainage channels. These are activities that restore the channel to its existing condition, and/or restore bank edge protection, and/or maintain the stopbans. (ot all of the listed activities are carried out on every river or drainage channel). • Rock, rubble and gabion structural bank protection. • Gravel or sediment shaping above water level. • Gravel or sediment removal above water level. • Sediment removal below water level. • Tree, scrub and other vegetation control and removal from the channel. • Tree planting and maintenance on the banks or floodway berms. • Grass and lucerne planting and maintenance on berms and stopbanks. • Diversions within braided gravel river channels. • Rock recovery from channel. • Piled or anchored retards on river banks. • Aquatic weed control. • Stopbank maintenance and reconstruction. • Maintenance and replacement of culverts through stopbanks. • Repair and replacement of pumps, floodgates (flapgates), control gates, and ancillary structures. • Lining of drainage channels with timber or concrete. 5. Wairau Floodplain Rivers and Drainage Channel Works 5.1 Lower Wairau 5.1.1 Design Intentions Achieve a hydraulically efficient channel by removal of overhanging willow trees flanking the channel. On the inside of bends this will be complete removal of trees, on the outside of bends this will be removal of overhanging limbs only. Maintain a directly opening hydraulically efficient river mouth by extending existing guide bank or pilot cuts through beach gravels. Raise and upgrade low and/or structurally unsound sections of stopbank in two areas. Encourage channel realignment at Peninsula Road through erosion of the opposite inside of the bend on Morrins Hollow. App F - 2