Appendix G - Register of Specifically Identified Activities height of not less than 1.8 metres and, if landscaping, to an average width of not less than 1.5 metres. 5.3.5 Parking and Loading Hospitals - 1 space/5 beds and 1 space/2 staff members (calculated from staff numbers on the largest shift). Other health facilities - 1 space/employee plus 1 space/26m² gross floor area. 5.3.6 Access Standards See Rule for the Urban Residential Zone. 5.3.7 Outdoor Storage Goods and material stored outside shall not be readily visible from a road or an adjoining site. 5.3.8 Radioactive Material The use, storage or disposal of radioactivity in excess of 1000 terabecquerels is a Prohibited Activity. 5.3.9 Hazards See Rule 32.1.5 for the Urban Residential Zone. 5.3.10 Earthworks See Rule 32.1.6 for the Urban Residential Zone. 5.3.11 Discharges See Rule 32.1.7 for the Urban Residential Zone. 5.4 Limited Discretionary Activities 5.4.1 See Rules 32.3.1 - 32.3.4 for the Urban Residential Zone. 5.5 Discretionary Activities 5.5.1 Any activity that does not comply with the standards and/or conditions for a Permitted or Limited Discretionary Activity, and is not a Non-complying or Prohibited Activity, shall be a Discretionary Activity. 5.5.2 Any activity listed as and complying with the standards for a Discretionary Activity in the Urban Residential Zone shall be a Discretionary Activity on scheduled site G(1). 5.6 Assessment Criteria • Any adverse effects of reduced set back of buildings, particularly on any adjoining residential sites. • The ability to mitigate adverse effects by additional landscaping or screening • Any adverse effects on adjoining sites in terms of the dominance of buildings and loss of privacy. • In the case of reduced set back, the ability to better utilise the site and provide better environmental quality elsewhere on the site. App G - 5