28 May 2015 Appendix G - Register of Specifically Identified Activities 13.0 Beekeeping Operation (on land described as 168 Old Renwick Road and legally described as Lot 1 DP 2064). The following activities shall be permitted, provided they comply with the standards for Permitted Activities in the Rural Zone. • Beekeeping and honey making 14.0 Tremorne Avenue Blenheim (on land described as Lot 15 DP 395435) 14.1 This schedule applies to the site shown on planning map 162 and the attached diagram with the notation 14. 14.2 The Urban Residential 2 Zone provisions shall apply to this site provided that no habitable buildings shall be erected in the buffer area identified on the site (measured 12m from property boundary). Habitable buildings include a dwelling house or unit, sleep out, visitor accommodation or other habitable building. App G - 11