The contrasting colours Are you craving a South Pacific getaway you’re short of time, view all the island has to offer of Fiji have it all for those surrounded by beaches and palm trees? from 1241 metres-high with a hike up Taveuni’s Look no further than the picturesque dormant volcano. The breathtaking views of the wanting a relaxing, coastline of Fiji. This serene tropicalisland’s tropical rainforest – home to native Fijian nature-filled vacation. paradise has a world of nature to help shift anywildlife and rare flora – are complemented by visitor’s state of mind to relaxation. the rich volcanic soils that give this nature-filled Satisfy your sense of adventure with a range ofhaven the name ‘Garden Island’. To access the nature-based adventures across the 332 islands.third largest Fijian island visitors can either travel Strolling through lush botanical gardens will relaxvia plane or take a ferry from Suva, the country’s you, and increase your knowledge of the native capital. flora and their various uses. Visitors can witnessWhile Suva is everything you would expect from the brilliance of nature on a larger scale with thea capital city with shopping malls, restaurants and migration of humpback whales. Watch them splashentertainment, the city is also home to historical in the clear-cut water, or see one of five species ofcolonial architecture. Dutch explorer Abel Tasman playful sea turtles swimming alongside the pods ofvisited the Fiji in 1643 while looking for the Great spinner dolphins that call Fijian waters home.Southern Continent, but the nation didn’t see the From the deep blue colours of the world-famoussettlement of Europeans until the 19th century. a rich dive sites to the lush greenery of dense rainforests,Emerging from a culturally rich past the capital cultural Taveuni island is the dream destination for eco-remains to this day a thriving scene of diversity for heritage enthused tourists. The contrasting colours of residents and visitors alike. Restaurants throughout the reefs offer visitors the luxury of bathing in thethe city offer traditional Fijian cuisine alongside tasty sunshine on either white or black sand beaches. Iffare from people of Chinese, Indian and European Destination: Fiji THE PERFECT CONTRASTStory: Kate Veteri TAVEUNI ISLAND IS THE DREAM DESTINATION FOR ECO-ENTHUSED TOURISTS 110 HOUSING MAY 2018 ©Nadezda Zavitaeva/Shutterstock ©Tien Le/Getty Images